Ride shotgun for the day and see what it’s really like in the industry. Expand your exposure beyond what career centers and technical schools can offer. Show your friends, family, and parents that a career in the trades can be dynamic, exciting, and brimming with opportunity.


1) Learn about the basic tools and techniques we use every day. Experience things you may already have exposure to in a new light. Challenge your comfort levels and get feedback on where you have room to grow so you can be the best you can be. Eat pizza. Drink Red Bull.

2) Return for another job shadow for another unique experience. Learn more complex methods of measurement and fabrication. Get to know the machines and the methods to a greater depth. Connect with our team and learn about our industry. Eat pizza. Drink Red Bull.

3) Return a 3rd time for maximum impact. Sit down with Dungeon Boss Sean to do a mock interview where we’ll prepare you for the hurdles you’ll face and help you negotiate your first welding position. Prove you’ve got what it takes to jump on a project and work side by side with our team for the day on something real. Fit your own joints. Weld your own fits. Fix your own mistakes. The water wings are off and this kiddie pool just got real.

Job Shadow 101

I’m glad you asked! First and foremost, you want to make sure you are fairly familiar with the following: grinders, cutting wheels, welder, chop saw, metals, clamps, and gas types. If you're not sure about all of them, that's fine, our job is to help you learn.

When you come in you will be introduced to the employee’s that will be conduct the job shadow. This person will be the person you will be able to ask questions to

Students and applicants work through a project that consists of three pieces of square 2“ x 1” tube. Each at 6 inches long and will cut mitered corners to meet 135 degrees and a 90 degree angle and then weld those pieces together to make a small segment of a simulated handrail. This is very similar to the day to day fabrication we do and is designed to test a student’s ability to work with imperfect conditions, joint fit up, and difficult positioning. As you go through this process, you will be using angle finders, cutting wheels, welders, clamps, grinding equipment, and sanders to finish-grind your work.

You will be able to keep your finished product at the end of the day and go through some Q&A’s as well.

What should I expect?

Here are some things you will need to have with you:

Proper Clothing

  • Long sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, or a welding jacket

  • Pants/slacks/something that will not catch on fire (NO HOLES)

  • Boots, preferably steel-toed, but that is up to you (just try not to drop anything on your feet)


  • Welding hood

  • Gloves

  • Safety Glasses

  • Ear plugs

2024 DATES:

April 26th: 9 AM - 5 PM

June 28th: 9 AM - 5 PM

August 16th: 9 AM - 5 PM

October 18th: 9 AM - 5 PM

Support our work

Yellow Weld has undertaken a tremendous commitment to our community. Without your support we are limited in what we can facilitate. Your donations will help us provide our guests with: materials, abrasives, gloves, eye protection, ear protection, lunch, consumables, welding gases, and an entire day of mentorship with our team. With your support we can continue expanding this initiative, serving more students than ever.


Partner with us to create new pathways. Trade partnerships can be a valuable resource to your team as we align our businesses to our students and align our policies to our businesses. Help us make an impact, dispel stigma and create lasting opportunities for generations to come.


Our mentorship has already been made available to dozens of aspiring trades people of all levels of experience. A commitment to our community is what keeps this investment alive.

Members of Our Community Served

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Mentorship In Action