Meet The Team


david bullivant


While Sean is working himself to the bone, David is clacking up a storm in his office probably playing minesweeper or Windows XP Spider Solitaire. Though his usefulness is debatable, he is known for his can-do attitude and positive affect. He’s liable to borrow your Sharpie forever and accidentally run it through a load of laundry. Occasionally David takes a break from doing nothing and gets his hands dirty on a project, but usually, he’s content with letting Sean carry him through the day like the dead weight he is. After 11 years of field experience under his belt, Sean thinks this may be the year he can finally take David’s training wheels off and set him free to the world.

Sean Sanders


While David is busy doing everything around here; Sean stays occupied shopping around for the best deals on tools he can spend David’s money on. His dedication to making sure that David works at least 60 hours every week is a hallmark of his success as a first mate. When Sean isn’t keeping David up all night working, he enjoys weekends off, working on his motorcycles and spending time with his loved ones and friends. Must be nice. Sean’s diverse work history provides him with essential perspective that makes him just useful enough to keep around. Bridging the shop and office is his specialty. Owner and impassioned writer of all Sean’s Corner articles.


shop lead / grillmaster

I’m Tommy. I am the lead welder and fabricator in the shop and make sure Lori is staying caffeinated at 6 in the morning. I was in the Marine Corps for 4 years, I got out and worked a bunch of different jobs and decided to go to Eastland-Fairfield Career Center’s for their adult welding program.  In my free time I’m usually playing golf, trying not to hit anyone cause of my bad slice, working or riding one of my motorcycles, or laying in bed because the marines have made my body feel 50 years older than it really is. I also like to fish, hike, and go to bonfires.


intern: Welder/Fabricator

I'm happy to be one of the newest additions to the Yellow Weld team as a welder and fabricator, and hope to learn a lot as I am still in high school and have yet to get my footing in the welding industry. Although I don't have 5 years of experience on anyone, I'm stubborn and will still try to prove that if I don't know something now, I will soon. I have still done some things in my short few years from gaining eagle scout, to going to worlds with my FIRST robotics team, to participating in the FFA at my career center. All of which I have learned I enjoy hard work and that a good team makes anything worthwhile. A quick thing you'll learn from meeting me, is that I like to think I'm funny, and it seems like the team usually gives me a pity laugh or two. Who knows maybe one of these days I might finally learn how to be.


Certified tap breaking professional / shop lead

I like working and fabricating anything out of wood and/or steel. So, working here is definitely good for me. I attended Hobart Welding School I am an electrician in the Air Force National Guard and have been in for 3 years. I am currently restoring a 79 F-150 and something interesting about myself is that I have been a blacksmith since I was 15. I would say I have a creative mindset and will modify anything and everything because I can’t be like anyone else. If I can put stickers on it I will.


intern: Welder/Fabricator

I am INCREDIBLY excited to be a new addition to the Yellow Weld team as a welder and fabricator. I am a junior in high school and still have a lot to learn and experience to gain. I am ecstatic to learn in such an exciting environment. In addition, my nerdy nature and tendency to choose odd topics for conversation should help keep shop conversations interesting. In addition to being a junior in high school, I participate in my school’s College Credit Plus program. Meaning, that I am a full-time college student who relies far too much on caffeine to survive. I am also a 9-year member of Ohio 4-H, being a strong advocate for the program. I even currently hold an officer position on the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council. I am also a volunteer at The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Adena Mansion and Gardens, Chillicothe Ghost Walk, and Buckeyethon at Ohio State University. All of these experiences helped me grow and better my leadership skills and work ethic, and my position here at Yellow Weld is the next big step of growth. I cannot wait to use these skills to help the company grow, and am excited for my future, annoying these guys to no end with questions! 


office manager / shop cosmetologist

Hello, hello!! My name is Lori as new as I may be at working for this company, I have been here from the start. Being Sean’s wife, I have gone through the decision-making on whether the logo of the company was going to be a penguin or not. I am not a welder or fabricator, but working with everyone and being a part of this team has truly been amazing.

I am the office lady and have to make sure that David stays on track with the office work. I work on a little bit of everything throughout the office. I work on marketing, networking, and invoicing, and it goes on and on and on. On top of my job here at Yellow Weld, I am also a licensed cosmetologist and am THE personal hair stylist for the team. I have a beautiful little girl, who loves coming to the shop to bother Tommy and Joey aka “Uncle Joe”. When I finally have free time, I enjoy spending time with the fam and my amazing friends, but also just enjoy being by myself with a good book and having a nice cold drink.


Tom (Mr. Rat)


Hey, it’s Tommy the Oracle calling you through the ether. The other day I realized you guys didn’t know anything about me. In the year of our Lord 1998, the same year the Undertaker threw Man-Kind off Hell in A Cell and plummeted 16 feet through an announcers’ table, I was beginning my 12-year feud with Mac and Cheese. By 6, I was awarded a silver belt buckle for my victory in the county Mutton Rodeo. After making amends with the pasta of my youth, I hiked the Appalachian Trail, and became an award-winning jeweler and chili chef before traveling the US in a conversion van I cobbled together.



Howdy folks, I’m Acy. 

I really enjoy fabrication and welding, as well as serving my community and the people around me. I graduated from Eastland Career Centers welding program. Been laying dimes for the last 13 years. I have a hard time with focusing, very few things make my head feel quiet and peaceful, but luckily for me the sweet sounds of wire burning and grinders hogging away metal bring me right into my center. 

Aside from my love for metalworking, I also enjoy playing music on stage and skateboarding, pretty much anything that I can do to jolt my adrenaline. 

I’m really grateful to work at a place where the people put the proper amount of energy and attention into the work they do. Our process here at Yellow Weld has something you can’t get hardly anywhere else, we put love , passion and intention into every part.