Custom Metalwork and repair for those who need it done right

Let’s get it fixed

Historical homes and buildings are peppered all throughout Columbus. Keeping them at their best can be a labor of love. Aging exterior metalwork like railings, platforms, staircases, and fire escapes are a major problem for many who are responsible for keeping these properties safe and accessible. Lean on us for support and we can guide the repair or replacement plans.

  • Keep your family or your tenants safe. The safety concerns of degraded metal structures can lead to very serious liabilities. Your peace of mind is worth what it costs to do the job right.

  • Not all solutions are equal. We can help you weigh your options and create an action plan that is appropriate for your situation. Most repairs should only last as long as the underlying structure. Thoughtful repair plans means money saved and fewer repairs to coordinate.

  • Many of the aging structures around Columbus are grandfathered in with sub standard design and safety elements. When critical repairs are being done, these compliance items can be easily added at little cost to ensure the safety and security of those who use these structures each day.

Fire Escape Repair Columbus Ohio