What is With the Test Fit?

In a few of our articles, we mention test fitting. If you chose a contractor that does custom fabrication work they may schedule a test fitting with you. This is completely normal, especially if the finish is not being applied on site. 

A test fit allows the contractor to put the fabricated piece in the space it was designed for and make sure everything is perfect before applying the finish. That way, all adjustments are made before the finish is applied, leaving the highest quality, and most durable finish possible on installation day. 

Test fittings are often required for custom fabrication work because your chosen contractor is making something specifically for your space. Regardless of how precise the pre-fabrication measurements were, test fits are important for your, and the contractor’s, peace of mind.


After fabrication is complete, someone from your contractor’s company will reach out and schedule a test fit. After the test fit, your product will be brought wherever it goes for finishing. This could be a painter, powder coater, or another contractor depending on the type of material used, and the desired finish. 

Test fitting is also the time for you to look the piece over, and make sure it is exactly what you want. If something needs to be tweaked on the piece, the contractor should go over that change with you, and get your approval before the finish is applied. 

The good news is: this means your piece is nearly finished! All that needs to be done after finish is applied for the install team to get in touch, schedule a good time for both you, and the company. Before you know it you’ll have your new fabrication looking swell and sturdy in your home.


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